How Does Self-Reliance Differ From Selfishness?

Mental health professionals have not done a very good job of helping people to understand themselves. People find it convenient and easy to use personality traits to explain what they do and what others do. All too often, personality traits (like being selfish, lazy, immature, mean-spirited, or showing poor [...]

2019-01-25T16:24:34+00:00Becoming Self Reliant|

Emotional Honesty: The Antidote For Anxiety and Depression In Children

Children today are under more pressure than ever before. A recent book, “IGen: Why today’s super-connected kids are growing up less rebellious, more tolerant, less happy – and completely unprepared for adulthood – and what that means for the rest of us” (Twenge, J.M. Simon and Schuster, 2017) has [...]

2018-11-19T19:20:03+00:00Becoming Self Reliant|

Self-Reliance vs Self-Sufficiency: The Difference Is Critical To Your Happiness

The two best decisions I made in my life were decisions that were the opposite of what everyone told me to do. The first one was the decision to get married when I was 20 years old. I had taken a year off from college. My girlfriend who was [...]

2018-10-16T16:14:27+00:00Becoming Self Reliant|

How Decision Making Affects Your Life Positively and Negatively

Making decisions is easy if there is only one option on the table. Try doing it when you have multiple choices and at least two that make sense. In that case, decision making is never easy. The jumble inside your mind is hard to sort out. The mind freely [...]

2018-09-18T16:20:36+00:00Becoming Self Reliant, Blog|

5 Reasons Self-Reliance Is The Key To Success In Life

How do you know when you are fully grown up as an adult? Some psychologists use the term, “fully self-actualized” to describe this achievement. I take a different approach to the problem. I don’t think we are ever fully actualized, or fully grown-up. I think there is always something [...]

2018-10-16T16:41:45+00:00Becoming Self Reliant, Blog|
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