3 Reasons Why Anger Is Your Best Friend

Anger is positive. Here's why. People aren't born afraid of their anger. They learn it. As children, yelling, screaming, or hitting lands you in the time out chair or, in the old days, gets you a spanking. Religious education reinforces the fear. Wrath is listed as one of the seven deadly [...]

2019-01-28T16:53:46+00:00Managing Your Emotions|

Through The Looking Glass: 7 Benefits To Seeing Yourself Through Your Emotions

Without realizing it, you have been trained to see yourself and others in a very destructive way. You were given a looking glass that reduces the patterns in human behavior to character traits.  This understanding is not only limited but also it is destructive to your belief in yourself and [...]

5 Reasons Self-Reliance Is The Key To Success In Life

How do you know when you are fully grown up as an adult? Some psychologists use the term, “fully self-actualized” to describe this achievement. I take a different approach to the problem. I don’t think we are ever fully actualized, or fully grown-up. I think there is always something [...]

2018-10-16T16:41:45+00:00Becoming Self Reliant, Blog|

What Anxiety And Depression Are Trying To Tell You

People misunderstand anxiety and depression. When you don’t want to get out of bed in the morning, or life doesn’t feel worth living, you think there is something wrong with you. If you panic, can’t think straight and feel overwhelmed, you think you are losing your mind. If you [...]

2018-06-01T17:39:57+00:00Managing Your Emotions|
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